Latest News

The Year 5 Enterprise Fair is taking place after school on Friday 12th July (3:15 - 4:30).

We would like to ask families to donate the following items:

  • tombola items - tins, toiletries and bottles (plastic only please)
  • nail varnish
  • cake donations for the cake stall on the day (with allergens clearly labelled please)

We are happy to receive tombola items and nail varnish from Monday 1st July. Please can cake donations be brought into school on the day. Your support is greatly appreciated in anticipation!

Harrison PTA's Annual Great Big Sunflower Growing Competition - Deadline

The sun is setting on the Harrison PTA's annual Great Big Sunflower Growing Competition.

If you've been nurturing your sunflower with love and care, it's time to see how tall it's grown! Use the form below if you purchased a sunflower growing kit (or kits) from the Harrison PTA either online or at the school gates and are ready to enter your final measurements.

Here is the link to submit:

Don't miss the chance to see your sunflower shine! All submissions must be in by Monday, July 15th at 8pm to be eligible.

Good Luck!


Applying for a Year R place for September 2024

If your child is 4 or will turn 4 before 1st September 2024, they can start school in September 2024.

For more information go to

Please note the deadline for applications is midnight on Monday, 15th January 2024. Applications submitted after 15th January 2024 will not be considered until after all on-time applications have been fully processed which could significantly reduce your chances of gaining a place at your preferred school(s).

Kind regards

Harrison Primary School
Harrison Road
PO16 7EQ